Wednesday, April 30, 2014

When 4 is the Loneliest Number

Captain's Log Day 76
It has been 6 hours since the First Mate left to find food. The native's are becoming restless. The smallest speaks a language I can not seem to decode and as a result he often flies into fits of fury. I know he is trying to tell me something, but what. They don't seem to understand me either, perhaps they suffer from hearing loss...or maybe they do hear me and it's all an elaborate game. The biggest seems to be the ring leader, I think they are planning on stealing my marbles. It is a strange place to be, alone in a village of many. Despite the fact that it has been many days since I have even been able to use the bathroom alone, I cannot help but to feel isolated.

Okay so that was just for fun, but don't tell me you haven't been there yourselves. Yesterday the lovely ladies at Preschoolers and Peace  asked if, as a homeschool Mom, we ever feel alone or isolated and why? As a stay at home Mom its so easy to listen to the voice of the enemy, after all most of the time there isn't anyone else around to say anything different. We confuse isolation for being ignored. But don't twist it loneliness is a choice.

There is a difference between being alone and being lonely. Alone is a state of being, loneliness is a state of mind. And even then, as Christians, we are never really alone. Deuteronomy 31:6 tells us that He (God) will never leave us or forsake us. Just as we have to fight for our spiritual freedom, so as to not slip back into the bonds of sin, sometimes we have to fight for our flipping sanity!

We have only one car and my husband works a lot of over time lately. I have to make a practical plan to connect with other adult life forms. I meet with women 2 times a week, once to get poured into and once to pour out. When I am with the fabulous lady leaders in my life I make it a point to submit to them and be as transparent as possible. This allows them to keep me accountable and encouraged and for my life to have set of checks and balances. Unless you live like Eustice Conway (I really enjoy Mountain Men on the History Channel.) and have no access to the outside world but then how are you reading this blog... there is always a way to connect. My close friends where I live do not homeschool or stay at home, so I make it a point to keep in touch and text my homeschool Mom friends that live out of town.
Some of the awesome women that pour into my life! 

Remember you are not alone, even when it feels its loneliest! Make a plan to connect with other women on 2 separate occasions this week. Your sanity is your responsibility, so let's stop blaming it on the natives.

Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. Ecc. 4:9-10

Monday, April 28, 2014

Before... and After.

I have recently started as a Beachbody Coach. Beachbody is a fantastic company that helps people in getting fit and healthy. It is responsible for programs like Insanity and P90X. I've only been doing it for a little while and already there is one question that people ask me on a frequent basis. "Do you think I'm too fat to do this?" "Do you think I'm in shape enough to do this workout?" I think this question is based off of a lie that the enemy (the devil) tells us.

Think about this question for a moment. Basically what is being asked is "Do I have to be fit to get fit?" The lie the enemy tells us is that we have to be right to get right. That in order to be holy (set apart) we have to already be holy. He wants us to believe this in order to render us inactive. The idea that you have to already have it all together to start getting your crap together is ridiculous once we start to think about it. If we had a loved one with an artery blockage, we would want them to go have it taken care of. We would think them utterly ridiculous if they said to us let me just get this artery unclogged and then we can go to the hospital to have it taken care of. Wait...what? See how dumb that is. 

I recently sat with a woman who was told by a family member that she could not give her heart to the Lord because she was living a life of sin. Cause that lines up with Bible. But Jesus said "Go and sin no more." Not sin no more, and then come here. Romans 5:8 says that "But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." While we were still drug addicts, lazy bums, terrible mothers He laid His life down for our sake. It's a trick!! You can not be a better person on your own, only through Him and with Him can we hope to be who we were called to be.

Do not let your short comings as a Christian, keep you from sharing the love of Jesus. Do not let your before, keep you from your after! Flex that faith muscle, burn bright! 

Friday, April 25, 2014

Get Over It

I have a degree in Visual Communications. It was hard earned, many a late night were spent in dark rooms and numerous outpourings of the heart and mind submitted to scathing critiques. One I remember above all the others. We were laying our photographs out and critiquing the work as a class. I laid my work, these images that had been labored in the mind and dark room, on the table so proud of what I'd accomplished. My professor looked at me and informed me that the images needed to be burned (burning and dodging are techniques in which more or less light is applied to the photo paper) I asked him for about how long he thought I should burn them. To which he responded "No I mean you should literally burn these, set them on fire." I couldn't believe it, I was crushed. I thought I had really come up with something cool. 

There were two paths I could take from here. I could redo the work or I could throw my hands in the air and say this isn't for me. I had seen it done several times. Students drop out of the course or fail a class cause they couldn't get over the criticism. They took a personal offense for their work, and couldn't get past it. 

Offense...maybe one of the most dangerous feelings we can have. Marriages burned to the ground, friendships disassembled, callings abandoned all out of a spirt of offense left unchecked. If we inspect our hearts its usually because we've made an idol out of a thing that we refuse to submit to God. Be it our identity, our money, whatever. 

I have zero proof or biblical support for this, but I really believe it was a spirit of offense that gave Satan a foothold in Judas' life. Maybe Jesus called him on the way he lusted after Mary Magdeline or the way he handled his money, I'm not sure, but I'd be willing to bet offense played a part. 

I choose that afternoon, with teeth clinched tight, to receive the critique and use it as fuel and a tool to be better. My work got better and, because I told my flesh to take a backseat, I got stronger and a little more humble. Only a little though, we all need something to work on. 

So get over it, get over yourself. Fight offense, battle it with humility and submission. It is a thief that will rob you blind if you let it. Don't let it. 

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

April Showers...Make Moms Crazy!!

If you are a Mom of active children you know the sinking feeling that is a rainy day. It's like suddenly you've been put on lockdown with a bunch of small, sticky inmates. Why do they ALWAYS seem to be sticky? 

We try and limit the boys T.V. time and give them as much time outside as possible. Obesity is a serious problem among children in the U.S. I think shortened recess periods and gym classes are to blame partially. The boys get an hour of recess time in the middle of our homeschool day, it helps them get out all their wiggles and keeps them healthy. But what do you do when the weather makes it impossible for them to get out? And God forbid there are a string of stormy days, that's a sure fire recipe for scurvy to set in! I have 3 ideas to help you get the wiggles out and help keep them fit at the same time! 

1.) Indoor Obstacle Course
This one is so much fun! This winter we had a few bitter cold days and the boys were begging to go out. It was so cold it was dangerous out there. So snow play was a no go. To help them burn through some energy I built an obstacle course through the house. We started with an army crawl under the coffee table, then hopping over circles, crawling under streamer and then climbing up on a small (stable) chair. You can make this as elaborate or as simple as you want. My boys are competitive so we also timed them, which burned more energy because they wanted to go faster. 

2.) Shadow Dancing
Rainy days usually mean dark and stormy, so why not take advantage of the already low light! All you need for this is a large flashlight and a blank wall. Have them stand in front of the flashlight and make their shadow move. Put on some music, give them some ribbon or streamer and let them have at it. 

3.) Animal Charades
Call out or write down different animals and their actions. Mix up slow and fast movements, getting high, then getting low. Try and get creative to make it more fun or them and ensure a full range of motion. Some of my favorites are "wallow like a pig" (roll around on the floor), "stretch like a kitty"(use cat yoga pose here), and "jump like a cricket" (squat then leap) Yay for plyometrics, said nobody ever. 

Bad about getting in exercise? Do it with them! Be a prisoner to the rain, no more! 

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Dying on Purpose

I have a deep appreciation and love for the men and women of our armed forces. My grandfather, one of my best friends, was in the Navy. My father was a staff sergeant in the United States Air Force and my both of my nephews serve. I enjoy war and military movies and one of the best I've seen is Act of Valor. It follows a group of Navy Seals on a series of missions to bring down a threat to National security. These men aren't just coworkers, they are a family. At the end of the movie a man waiting to get back to his pregnant wife, jumps on a grenade to save his men. It wasn't an accident, he with a clear mind and deep intention laid his body across an explosive device in an attempt to spare those he loved.

Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for 

one's friend. John 15:13

It's so easy to forget. The image of the cross has become archaic to the world and wall decor to much of the body. We've seen it a hundred times and it becomes like the beautiful flowers on a drive to work, seen but not really. Imagine Jesus if you will standing between you and a crazed gunman. Picture Jesus laying is blameless body atop a grenade, but not just any grenade, one that had your name on it. He knew what He was doing that day, over 2000 years ago. He probably knew it more than He had ever known anything is His whole life of flesh and bone. Every ounce of blood that he bleed was on was with purpose.

I do not believe in accidents, and almost nothing happens by chance. It is not by accident that the priests would sprinkle the lambs blood, on the veil in the temple, seven times and that day He bleed seven different times. It was no coincidence that they had whipped Him 39 times and scientist say there are 39 root causes for every disease. If the point of all of this was solely death to bring salvation, God could have organized a much quicker, less humiliating way for His Son to die. But nothing that happened that day was quick, nothing was by chance. He died for our salvation, but He suffered for our healing and rose again 3 days later for our freedom.

I submit to you tonight that Jesus was real flesh and real bone. That He willingly poured out His blood and endured humiliation not just to save you from Hell itself, but the Hell you live in.  No mountain of shame is to high for Him to climb to you. No pit of sin and depravity to low for Him to reach down and pull you out. No ocean of disbelief and doubt to wide for Him to find you. His love is more real and more vast than the waters of 50 seas and the sands of 100 desserts. If you had been the only one, He still would have jumped on that grenade for you.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Stop Hiding From The Camera

The baby was screaming, I rolled over picked him up out of the bassinet and then grabbed my cell phone off the charger. I squinted at the screen where did I put my glasses and at 7am there was already 3 text messages. As my eyes focused, I felt my stomach drop. A good friend of ours had passed away during the night. I text back something, that I'm sure sounded stupid at a lack of knowing what on earth to say. The grief and disbelief washed over me like a huge stormy wave. Such a beautiful soul, gone in the blink of an eye.

A week later we were at his Celebration of Life (to the uninitiated that's what we call a funeral at our church) And boy was it a celebration! I've never been so heartbroken and so encouraged, all at the same time, in all my days. The testimonies of how this young man, of just 26, changed so many lives was staggering. As the service proceeded the big screen was flooded with pictures and videos, and the final words spoken were by Wattage himself. (that's what I called him) It was a video of him preaching that had been recorded. I sobbed, and had never been more in awe of social media and technology in my whole life. What a powerful tool it can be.

Today, a couple months after the tragedy, his beautiful, graceful and strong girlfriend was saying that she was writing down all the memories so she wouldn't forget. And it got me thinking, would they have any pictures of me to share at my Celebration? Would my kids have pictures to reflect on if I was gone?  I'm always behind the camera. I hide and duck away when someone wants group shots and I rarely take a selfie. I highly discourage narcism. 

After the good Lord takes me home, I don't want them to have to remember what I looked like. Don't make your loved ones wish they had more to remember you by, just because you were bloaty or hair wasn't just so. Stop hiding from the camera, make memories!

At the Masquerade, when my hair was blonde. 

Monday, April 14, 2014

The Vacation You Can't Afford to Miss

Yesterday was glorious, as my 5 year old would say. We are trying to sell our house, so after church we had plans to work on a few things to spruce up the front. As I was doing the dishes after lunch my husband got a phone call from my Mother in Law saying they were at the beach and wanted to know if we would like to join them. Where we live the beach is about 35-45mins away. (If the backroads aren't clogged with savvy tourists.) He told her he would have to discuss it with me, and we'd let her know. We really want to sell this house and had a lot of things that needed to get done. But when I tell you we don't get out much around here, I mean we REALLY don't get out. My husband works a lot and weekends are usually spent getting things done around the house or I am working doing cakes and catering. So it only took me about 2.5 seconds to say "We're going!"

Some of the scenery on the backroads to the beach.

We didn't have a lot of gas in the car, we don't have a ton of money to be throwing around, but we do not run a business, we run a family.  What may not be logical, sometimes makes the most sense. Our children are 5, 4, and 3 months. They will not stay like this for very long. There are some things you just can't afford to pass up. Do not let a poverty mentality, keep you from making memories and sharing in adventures.

Now am I saying book a Disney Cruise, if you are in debt up to your eyeballs? Ummm....NO! But take opportunities when they arise.

You don't have to spend a ton of money, to spend time together. You would be amazed at the amount of free or cheap things that are probably happening right around you. Have you ever heard of geocaching? Sometimes it only takes a little gas and a sense of adventure to have a good time. If you have a Regal Cinemas near you they do $1 movie mornings during the summer. One of our best memories from last summer, was taking a day off and going to a $1 movie and having bagels for lunch and then a hike at our local State Park.

If you can afford to really do it up and take a grand adventure, do it!! I truly believe that travel is one of the things that isn't just an expenditure but an investment. The memories you create and culture you get to experience pays you back 10 fold.

So get creative, get to planning and go! Like they say in one of my favorite Pixar movies "Adventure is Out There!"

Friday, April 11, 2014

Party Like It's Your Birthday...You're Worth It

Today is my middle sons 4th birthday. Around here we make a pretty big deal about birthdays. We celebrate with a big, very well executed (if I do say so myself) birthday party and then always special treatment on the actual birthday day. Today he got pancakes in the shape of Mickey Mouse's head, and he we are taking him to the movies tonight. Let me clarify by saying we do not spend a ton of money on birthdays. Very little in fact. Some time, effort and creativity can go a long way to making someone feel special and loved. And he is...special and loved that is. So are you. 

Doesn't he look super pumped! 

We make a big deal about birthdays because it is the only day of the year we don't celebrate what you've accomplished or how smart you are, we simply celebrate the fact that you are here. The fact that you were fearfully and wonderfully made (Ps. 139:14), that you were set apart even before the beginning of your youness. (Jer. 1:5)

I chose you before I formed you in the womb;I set you apart before you were born. I appointed you a prophet to the nations. Jer. 1:5

In our bible lesson the other day the author talked about how God needed someone to take care of the earth so He created man. I think this is a unfortunate portrayal of the events. I do not believe we were designed, molded from the clay and intricately formed just to be the garden landscaper. He put flowers in the fields, and pearls in the mouths of oysters for us. All of that was created first because He knew ladies would like jewelry, and that little boys would love trees to climb. We weren't for it, it was for us! 

Everything about you was handcrafted with a purpose. No one, no matter their origin or upbringing is a mistake. You are destined for greatness, you are worth celebrating. The mistakes we have made do not determine our value only our Creator can do that. A grease stained, wrinkled $100 bill is still worth $100, because the U.S. mint says it is. Even if you couldn't get the flippin thing to go through a vending machine! Who has crisp, new bills...I digress. 

So the next time a birthday comes around, eat cake for breakfast, do something that makes you smile, get your party on! Not because you deserve it, but because He thinks you're worth it. You are loved just for being you! 

Share this with someone who needs a reminder of how valuable they are! 

Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You. 
Dr. Seuss

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

5 Tips to Save on Groceries WITHOUT Clipping Coupons

Few words in the english language make me shudder quite like "full price". I am a couponer. I am easy to spot. The paper cuts on my finger tips, the multiple newspapers in my hands on a Sunday morning, the frustrated cashier in front of me and the pictures of hauls crowding my timeline are all tell tale signs. If I save less than 50% at the grocery store it makes me a little sick, and I'm telling you the food doesn't taste as good. Getting food for free is my own way of sticking it to the man and its how I live out Prov. 31 with a bit of moxie. If I were to rewrite verses 14-15 it would go little something like this. "She is like a wholesale club, she drives for miles to get the savings. She is waiting at the door when they open the store to get the deals for her family and a few things for her girlfriends." 

She is like the ships of the merchant; she brings her food from afar. She rises while it is yet night and provides food for her household and portions for her maidens. Prov. 31:14-15

After a particularly good trip I'll always brag a little on Facebook, this leads to the same conversation every time.
"How on earth did you do that?"...."Coupons!"...."Oh, I don't have time for that."
I get that a couponers life isn't for everyone, but that's no reason to break the bank at the grocery store. Here are a few easy tips to help you save at the grocery store.

1.) Shop Closeout 

Every store displays closeouts items differently. Some stores will have all their items compiled in one location, but most mark their closeout items with a tag underneath the price tag. There isn't anything wrong with these products. They are items that have been marked down because of excess inventory or items that are about to no longer be carried at that store. I save a lot of money this way. Just last month I bought varieties of microwave steam bag veggies and pints of Ben and Jerry's all for $1 each!!!! All because the store was going to no longer be carrying these varieties.

2.) Buy Bad Meat...Sort Of 

Okay I do not actually mean "bad" meat. I do not expect or recommend you by bad food. But going to be bad soon meat can mean BIG savings. Most stores have one day of the week where they go through their meat inventory and discount the items that will be expiring soon. Ask your local store what day they do this. These items are easy to spot because there is usually a brightly colored sticker letting you know it has been discounted. If you cook the meat or freeze it immediately it is still totally safe. I also really hate waste (a result of seeing starving children face to face) so when you purchase these goods thats one less item that gets tossed, and I'm happy to help. Just last week I bought 5 dinners worth of pork for under $15.

3.) There's an App for That

Clipping coupons can be a pain...literally my hands cramp up at times. Clicking coupons and saving them to your loyalty cards, super easy! Most grocery store chains have their own apps now where you can download coupons directly to your card. If you combine that with apps like SavingStar and Ibotta, where savings equal cash that can be deposited directly to your PayPal account, you can really do some damage. SavingStar is super easy to use, has Friday Freebies, and a weekly Healthy Offer, that allows you to save money on produce!!

4.) Smoke 'em If You Got 'em

Cook whats in your pantry, don't shop for what you're craving. If you can abstain from instant gratification in the grocery store your money will go a lot further. I shop for what I can get super cheap and create my menu around what I have picked up. Super Cook is this really cool website, that allows you to enter in what is in your pantry and its gives you recipes that use your ingredients.

5.) Grow Your Groceries 

Unfortunately most of us probably do not have the means to grow bananas or coffee beans, which at my house would bring HUGE savings. But you can grow a lot of other produce that are family favorites. You don't have to have a giant, pristine garden with each row identified by the adorable garden markers you bought on Etsy. Pick the item your family uses most. At my house we go through green peppers, LOTS of them. My oldest eats them like an apple. 1 or 2 pepper plants grown in a pot can go along way. Grape tomatoes yield a large harvest, are easy to grow in a pot, and always seem to be pretty pricey at the store.

So what do you think? Are you going to try any of these? All of these? Let me know how you do and what you think might work for you.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Why Marrying "The One" Is A Recipe For Divorce

I am not a romantic, at least not in the traditional sense. I do not watch Hallmark movies, I've never read a Nicholas Sparks book, these are not things I enjoy. This is mostly because I think that the world gets romance really really wrong. There is something way not cool about rooting for a woman to leave her husband to be with the one that fulfills her emotionally. The idea that in all the world there is only one individual you are meant to be with is dangerous. It is dangerous because it implies the possibility of getting it wrong and having a way out of our marriages. 

I cannot tell you how many times I have had a young lady ask me "How did you know your husband was the one?" Those poor girls. Those poor, unsuspecting girls. I do not imagine when they asked me that they were prepared for the sermon to follow. I like to tell people do not ask me what I think unless you are prepared to hear what I think. Do you know how I knew my husband was "The One"? Because he is the one I choose...thats it. I know you feel the butterflies don't you. A friend said recently that the reason marriage is so beautiful is because its your choice. There is no alignment of the planets and cosmic soul connection that draws us to one another. If you feel something like that chances are its mostly lust. 

Saying that their is a one, gives the impression that each day all the pieces will magically fall into place and you will have a peaceful and successful marriage. When in reality, (and if you have been married for any length of time you know this to be true) somedays it is nothing but the grace of God and the fact that you would not look good in prison orange that keeps you from smothering him with his pillow. 

It is work, it is a daily choice of servanthood, forgiveness and selflessness that makes a marriage successful. To go into a marriage expecting that this person was designed to complete you and fulfill you is unfair to them. That is far too much pressure and responsibility to put on someone you love. Jesus is the only one that can do that for you. Marriage is a daily dying to self, it is a forsaking of "I" for the good of "we".

Married ladies, marriage is the most accurate depiction of Christ's love for us. Marriage is under attack for this very reason. The devil would love nothing more then to see your marriage fall. Battle for it, love in spite of your feelings. Treat them as you want to be treated after all you are one. 

Single ladies, do not fall for the good guys, but diligently seek out a God guy. You will not die from singleness. Date with intention, never go into relationships lightly. Far too many ladies have had deep wounds created by poor choices that were made for "just one little date." Stop searching out "the one" and start being a woman worth sacrificing for.

Greater love has no one than this, that someone would lay down their life for his friends. John 15:13

I believe that word "life" there does not only refer to our mortal lives, but our life. Our comfort zone, our personal agendas, our plans. Sacrifice is the only real romance. 

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Bedtime Tales to Mold Your Minions

Here 8pm is bedtime. Little teeth will be getting brushed. Every effort is made to squeeze out every last drop of pee, in hopes that the sheets live to die another day. Night lights get switched on and enough stuffed animals to fill an aisle at Toys R Us get dragged into bed. And last but most certainly not least a Bible story is read, a hymn is sung, and I tell each of the boys their "stuff" 

Their "stuff" is a nightly affirmation I came up with shortly after seeing the movie "The Help" In the film Aibileen Clark, an African American maid and nanny, tells the young girl she's been looking after  "You is kind. You is smart. You is important." So much of this movie was absolutely amazing, but this part really resonated with me. I wanted to make sure my children never had to hear from someone else how special they are. Now each night before they fall asleep I tell them "You are special, you are kind, you are brave, you are wise and I love you." 

Now if I'm not putting them to bed or somehow I forget, they will remind me "You have to say my stuff." It makes them feel good and as a mother it's an opportunity for me to try and make up for anything I may have said out of stress or anger that day, but most importantly it's a time that I can speak life to my children. 

Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. Proverbs 18:21

Are my children always kind? The bruise above the middle sons eyebrow would indicate not. But when I speak to who they can be...who they will be, I am giving them the power to be who they are called to be. 

My kids enjoy Super Why and at the end of each episode there is always a character getting themselves into trouble because what has been spoken of them in their story. Wyatt and the gang save the day by replacing the words that have been spoken over the characters with new words making a new story! I encourage you to rewrite the words that were spoken over your child through out the day. 

Start a new tradition. Come up with your own "stuff". Let me know what affirmations you come up with for your little champions. 

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Why God Says No to Ice Cream

My parents are the quintessential grandparents. My Step-Dad takes them on fun outings around the farm, my Mom spoils them and buys them junk food, all that good grandparent stuff.

Today was no different. While they were out they got McDonalds and soda, 2 things they almost never get. Shortly after they returned home I heard the dreaded sound. It was a ways off yet, but there was no mistaking it. It was…the ice cream man!! I started banging some pans in the sink to distract and cover the high pitched tunes of that diesel fueled pied piper. But alas, their tiny ears, that managed to miss me asking them to clean up, picked up on the stirring rendition of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.  

If you live along the east coast you probably know that its been a ridiculous winter. The kids have been pinned up inside for the last few months, to avoid the bitter cold. And if I’m totally honest to avoid me having to take 30 minutes to bundle them up so they can be outside for 10. But today was gorgeous, perfect ice cream man weather. I knew they had heard it before they ever said anything. With eyes wide and sugar coursing through their veins they pleaded with me. “Can we get ice cream!!!” I regretfully informed them they were past their sugar quota for the day. Then in a move that tugged at my heart strings they both stood in the window with sad puppy dog faces and waved as the ice cream man went by.

I knew that they REALLY wanted ice cream, I also knew that it wasn’t what they needed right now. It bummed me out that what they so desired, wasn’t wise for me to give them. I think this is how God feels sometimes. We beg and plead with Him for blessings, to answer yes to our prayers. But like any good parent He can see the long term affects, and says no. I believe it saddens Him to see us so disappointed. He isn’t trying to keep something from you, He is trying to get something to you. He wants you to know, just as I want my boys to know, the no isn’t because of something you’ve done wrong, its just what’s best. Trust Him, and don’t be afraid to ask when the ice cream man comes around cause one of these times it may just be a yes. 

For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome. Jer. 29:11 AMP

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Peanut Butter Jelly Time

The peanut butter and jelly sandwich, one of life's simple pleasures. The taste of peanut butter and strawberry preserves takes me back to a simpler time. A time when all I had to worry about was what part of my lunch I would eat first. My kids eat a PB&J almost every day for lunch. Not because I am lazy, but because they truly love it. I've had the oldest turn down leftover pizza for lunch for a peanut butter and jelly before!

I simply adore peanut butter and am always looking for a new way to use it. Which brings us to this fabulous little recipe. Peanut butter and jelly inspired pancakes. This is so easy its silly! 

First, you'll need your favorite pancake recipe. (mine is listed for you at the bottom if you do not have one) Then, think of your favorite preserve flavor. My kids really love blueberry and raspberry preserves , we used blueberry this time. You will need fresh or frozen fruit in your favorite preserve flavor. Get your griddle or pan ready. 

While it's heating up lets make our peanut butter syrup. This stuff is so good, I would eat a flip flop if it was soaked in this syrup. 

You will need a 1/2 cup of maple syrup and 1/4 cup of peanut butter. Simply mix the two together and heat in the microwave for about 30 secs. Tadah! Told you it was easy.  

Let me stop here for a second and tell you about my love for Peter Pan Honey Roast peanut butter. It is hands down the best peanut butter ever! We go through A LOT of peanut butter here. We've tried off brands, major brands, niche stuff, this is the best. If you have not had it do yourself a favor and get it. When I was pregnant PB gave me terrible heartburn and I did without it for about 6 months. The day I got home from the hospital once everyone was asleep I got a big spoon full of this magical peanut butter and savored the awesomeness. Okay, end rant on awesome peanut butter. 

Now that your griddle is nice and hot take a little bit of crisco and grease the surface. I know what you're thinking. "Crisco?!? What about light organic coconut oil harvested by blind munks?" Harness your outrage for just a second. I know its not good for you and I know there are healthier options, but if you want that crisp golden brown crust on your pancake like at the dinners and pancake houses then Mama's little baby wants shortenin! After you have mixed all the ingredients for your pancake recipe. Let it rest in the fridge for a few minutes. This gives the gluten a chance to relax and you'll get a tender airy pancake! Start to spoon it out on your griddle. I use a 1/4 cup scoop to get nice even pancakes. Take the fruit you've chosen (if you have a larger fruit like strawberries, dice them) and put a spoonful on each pancake. Do not over flip your pancakes, this will make them tough. Cook until puffed up and the edges are dry, then flip. Cook the other side til golden brown. 

Stack them up pour on the delicious syrup you've made and enjoy! See I told you it was easy. 

Perfect Pancakes
  • 1 large egg
  • 1c. AP flour
  • 1c. buttermilk at room temp
  • 1tbl. dark brown sugar
  • 2tbl. melted butter
  • 3tsp. double acting baking powder
  • 1/4tsp. salt
  • 1 tsp. pure vanilla extract

Mix together all your dry ingredients with a whisk. Make sure to remove any lumps. 

In a separate bowl, beat together all of your wet ingredients. Be sure to temper your melted butter so it doesn't seize up on you. 

Combine the dry and the wet ingredients. Do not over mix! 

Pour on a greased 375 degree griddle, and get to flapping jacks! Yields nine 4-inch pancakes.