Thursday, May 21, 2015

Women, Weight Lifting, and Why You Should Trade in Your Treadmill

Squats, deadlifts, bicep curls... Am I conjuring up visions of women whose veins pop out further than their chest? Maybe you're envisioning large Anglo Saxon blondes teetering on the edge of roid rage. Let me put your mind at ease from the start those women you envision don't hit the squat rack and magically explode into muscle. That takes extreme dedication, a TON of food, and in some of those ladies cases illegal substances. What if I told you that not only would weight lifting unlock something inside your soul but it could be the key to overcoming your weight loss hurdles and getting the body you've always wanted. Don't believe me? Here are 5 reasons you should trade in the treadmill.

1.) Unleash Your Inner Beastette
Is it not the dream of every woman to walk into a room and feel confident? Being a beast isn't about PR's or getting swole, its about pushing yourself. It's about educating yourself, creating new habits and a better version of you. When you take your "I can't" and turn it into an "I must" something happens inside you. Once you see yourself dedicated, disciplined and pushing through it won't matter if you're in a t-shirt and jeans or in your best cocktail dress you're gonna feel like a million bucks.

2.) Become a Calorie Burning Machine
You spend 30 mins on the treadmill and run a 10min mile, you burn 324 calories or so. 30 mins of weight training only gets you a burn of 97. So far it sounds like cardio for the win right? Now what if I told you once you are done your strength training regiment your body continues to burn calories for up to 72 hrs!!! Cardio you continue to burn for only 3-6 hrs. I don't know about you but I like a good deal. I'll take more bang for my buck every time, thank you!

3.) Eat all the food!
I can not tell you how often I hear "I would work out but I just love food too much." Really? Well great pick up a dumbbell and lets get to work. Because you are now a calorie burning machine you'll require more intake. An average daily calorie count for weight loss on a cardio heavy regiment is about 1400-1600 calories. Take the same person and switch the routine for a strength training routine and you're talking more like 1800-2200 calories a day! Divide those up into 5-6 clean eating meals a day and the weight is going to melt a way. So while all your girlfriends are enjoying their carrot sticks you'll be downing clean eating sweet potato fries and getting lean and mean!

4.) Don't just burn fat, but change your body!
Instead of just loosing a little on the scale what if you could reshape your body and be getting rid of that tricep wave wobble. Thought those wide hips are just in the genes and there's nothing you can do? Think again! Not only can weight training slim you down, but it can create new curves and chisel those problems areas. Can we say hello squat booty!! Beachbody Blog says not to worry about bulking up "women don’t have enough muscle-building hormones to gain a lot of mass like men do." 

5.) Better Body From the Inside Out
Weight bearing activities help you to build and maintain bone mass and prevent osteoporosis. Strong muscles help to support your joints and help keep you from injury and can even improve chronic knee and back pain. When I started P90X 5 years ago my knees were terrible, they constantly ached and back pain was like the guest that over stays its welcome. Now after completing multiple strength training programs I can jump I can squat all with no problem and I no longer wake up with back pain so bad I'm unable to move. A study conducted at the University of Wales in Bangor, United Kingdom, found that mildly disabled participants who lifted weights for 12 weeks increased the frequency and intensity at which they could work, with less pain and increased range of movement. 

So now you know what it can do for you but maybe you're still wondering how to start. There are tons of great blogs about simple weight lifting moves and proper form. I would love to help you like I have helped other women learn to love lifting and change their lives. I can provide you with all the nutritional information, a flexible at home fitness program (you don't even have to find a babysitter!!!), and support you need to crush your goals, just email me at All that is needed to succeed is a committed decision! 

WHAT!!! Dude, I did that!! 

Friday, May 8, 2015

5 Fresh Mother's Day Ideas for the Foodie Mom

I have read "The 5 Love Languages" by Gary Chapman and I have to tell you that I think there is one missing. I am convinced that the 6th Love Language is food. If you bring me food I just assume you love me. When we go on vacation our trip is primarily planned around the places we would like to eat. I see these Pinterest posts on date night ideas other than dinner and I think to myself "Why on earth would you not want food?" I am sure that this connection between love and food explains why I was the only "thick" sister. So if this sounds like the momma in your life here are 5 fresh ideas for a foodie Mother's Day and best of all they can all be done last minute.

I feel like that goes without saying. The trick here is to get creative, an Applebee's gift card is not going to cut it friends. Think of her favorite restaurant, look for a local farm or garden that makes their own cheeses or spice blends. This idea works for every budget and can be picked up quick.

This is a great idea for the busy foodie Mom. What Mom wouldn't love 3 meals worth of ingredients and recipes delivered right to their door. We were gifted a weekly box from Blue Apron a few years back and I have to say it was really cool! All of the ingredients pre-measured come in a ice packed cooler right at your door. Our box had an amazing kale and chicken caesar salad which started us on a kick of kale in our salads.

If you've got a crunchy foodie Mom these boxes come pre-filled with 8 healthy snacks for them to munch on. There are 100s of snacks to choose from so you can pick out her favorites. Not sure what she would like you can get a Graze voucher and let her choose for herself. 

Nothing says love like a box of local, fresh produce every week. If you are unfamiliar, CSA stands for community supported agriculture. You buy a share of produce from your local family farm and each week they give you a portion of what is fresh, ripe and fabulous. Our local CSA, Fifer Orchards, even gives you the option to add grass feed beef, fresh local eggs and more to your box. This is a pricier option so it'd be good to split amongst some adult siblings! 

Is your Mom a great baker but not so great with the knife skills or maybe she's a sushi fiend. Sushi making classes, or cooking lessons are a great way for her to do what she loves and to also get out of the house for a bit. If you are in the Salisbury, MD area I suggest calling my friend over at the Country Tart and booking your Mom an in home dinner party/cooking class. Lynn comes to your house with the food and the know how and shows you and 8-10 of your friends how to prepare a meal. 

So this year save your money on flowers she can't eat, and candles she doesn't need. Get her what she really wants...FOOD!