Wednesday, August 19, 2015

But Why?

I get asked a lot why I would still choose to work out every day and aim for clean eating while I'm pregnant. Several friends have said to me "as soon as I'm pregnant again I'm eating whatever I want". I mean we've certainly earned the right havevn't we? For 9 months we grow, swell and ache...and those pregnancy cravings! There's nothing like a 3rd trimester craving for a bacon cheeseburger to make you realize how little it would take for you to cut someone. So why would I deprive myself the opportunity?

The reason why is the same reason I've chosen this non-traditional career path and the same reason I train outside of pregnancy. I push and train because I believe it is important to God that we are stewards of our bodies. Think about it we could have been designed anyway imaginable and it was God's choice that we be an intricate system fueled by food and strengthened by work. Ps. Rick Warren said "God created it. Jesus died for it. The Spirit lives in it. I'd better take care of it." I do the things that are not easy and require discipline because every time we tell our flesh to sit down and shut its mouth we turn up the volume on the Spirit.

Take your eyes off the bathing suit, off the shorts and focus on the heart of this issue. Gluttony and sloth have become excusable sins in the church. We tell our self its not worth the effort because its vanity, and it certainly could be, but the real reason is we think its about image when really its about honor. God doesn't bless dishonor. Imagine with me that you are adrift at sea. As you cry out to God for help you slowly punch poke holes in your raft. After a while the raft deflates and you drown at sea. Was it God's fault you sank? Now imagine with me you cry out to God for more energy, more confidence, to keep you from the heart disease that plagues your family history, as you pop another can of diet soda. God has not abandoned you to this place, we keep popping holes in our raft. You were made for more. You are capable of more.

This is why I do it and its the very reason I spend every day helping other women push too! Because, you friend, are a masterpiece designed with the very DNA of Christ. I do it because I want you to see what we were made to do! We aren't supposed to be pumping our bodies full of toxins, we were not created to manage our life with pills. You are the dwelling place of the most high God and you are worth the effort! If you know for you this battle has to be won in your heart subscribe to email list and I will send you my list of "Scriptures to Sweat By" so that you can begin to pray the word over your journey to health and wellness!

Pray, Sweat, Eat, Repeat. You've got this!