Thursday, January 7, 2016

How I'm Getting My Ish Together In 2016

I am really creative! Food, graphics, events, you name it I am a never ending stream of ideas! I'm not bragging I swear just stick with me. I am telling you all this in hopes that it will garner me a little empathy when I tell you that I am a TOTAL SLOB! Or at least that is my natural inclination. My college apartment would have you gladly opting to stay at the frat house. When my husband rode in my car for this first time, his advice was to just send it over a cliff and start fresh. I've gotten much better over the last couple of years. With prayer and sheer will power I have been digging myself out of the clutter infested pit! But I have MAJOR plans for 2016 and so major breakthrough is required! I knew I could do it. After all we serve a God who paints the sunsets and schedules the moon phases, surely I could be both creative and productive. So if you are fellow hot mess like myself allow me to share with you my simple grace filled plan to get my ish together! 

Last year I started brain dumping. This is a process where the night before I sit down and write down all of the things I need to do the next day. No item is too small. Then I organize them so that the biggest, least pleasant sounding task is first. Now I needed a place to keep my new method, my calendar, my meals, my brain basically all in one place instead of thousands of pieces of paper adding to the mess. I looked at a few and stumbled upon the Emily Ley Simplified Daily Planner. Not only is it sooo pretty, which my creative heart loves, but its simple. It doesn't have a thousand bells and whistles that make me think "should I be keeping track of every time my child has peed??" So now that you have a planner its time for a plan! 

Freakin' laundry y'all!! With 6 people (5 dudes, 1 projectile vomiting baby, and 2 fitness freaks) we have laundry for days!! We been had laundry, you know what I'm sayin? If you want to see the light drain from my eyes plop an over flowing basket of laundry at my feet. I am not exaggerating in the least when I say it is a joy stealing, soul sucker!!! woosa, breathe But unless we want to be the smelly family it must be done! After pouring over a myriad of pins this is the simple plan I created to make progress and not die inside. 
disclaimer: For this to really be effective you first need a full overhaul cleaning, so that you have a clean slate! 

  • MORNING: 1 load of laundry in wash (Thats it, just 1! You have no idea how incredibly freeing that is.), 30mins team cleaning one room with worship music on
  • LUNCH: 1 load of dishes, put laundry in dryer, have boys do a quick pick up (I advise music and a race for time!)
  • WHEN HUBBY GETS HOME: This is the magic part. Stand at the dryer and fold and sort as the clothes come out. Call all responsible parties to put their clothes away. 
  • EVENING: 1 load of dishes, wipe down kitchen counters and stove top. 
BOOM! Done. My house looks worlds better, it doesn't stress me out and my oldest son is actually enjoying the worship cleaning sesh. 

"no, it’s not your willpower. it’s your “Why Power.” This kind of power will drive you to move mountains, swim oceans and walk through fire to accomplish your goals...The person who has a clear, compelling and white-hot burning reason why will always defeat the best of the best at doing the how. We see this reality played out repeatedly. it’s where greatness and extraordinary achievement comes from." - Living Your Best Year Ever by Darren Hardy No matter what you do or who you are you must have vision. Habakkuk 2:2 tells us to "write down the vision, make it plain." Enter the vision board. This is a great and simple way to really visualize you why. Every time I want to be lazy or procrastinate or get fearful about making a move I picture holding the little girl we'll adopt from overseas. I visualize the sign on the building or the new house big enough for them to run wild through without clipping a table. If I had a nickle for every time... Get a vision of what you want for yourself and for your family. Make it personal, make a plan, pray for it daily and watch things start to shift! 

If you want even more help getting your ish together this year I highly recommend Eat that Frog by Brian Tracy and Somer Dawn's Productivity Academy 

Keep fighting the good fight mommas!! 

P.S. none of these people are paying me or any of that I just think they rock and that you should know. ;)