Wednesday, May 4, 2016

5 Legit Ways to Lose Weight...and Keep It Off.

If I see one more article on "10 crazy ways to lose weight fast" I'm gonna lose my mind. Ladies stop depriving yourself of vital nutrients, wrapping yourself in cellophane,  and drinking hot sauce. (Seriously some of this stuff is ridiculous.) What good is it to get lean if you don't have a sustainable way to stay lean. Here are 5 legit ways to loose weight and keep it off. 

The more aware you become of the dangers of a sedentary life or the risks of obesity, it'll be easier to make a decision to change. There are a lot of documentaries on Netflix that will unveil exactly what's on the shelves at your grocery store and how it's killing you. Most people have no idea that your favorite breakfast cereal may share ingredients with heavy duty cleaners. Or that the FDA approves a certain amount of bugs in your food. Not kidding! 

Want to jump all in to food education? THIS. o_O
Warning: May keep you awake at night.

I've done Atkins. I've done weight watchers. I've done cereal diets. Nothing has helped me to stay lean AND full of energy like clean eating does. It's a simple concept that involves trying to eat food as close to the source as possible. 5 or fewer ingredients in pre packaged foods and an emphasis on lean meats, lots of produce and whole grains. You're immune system will soar, your energy will improve and your waistline will shrink. All without any crazy deprivation. 
I run a FREE Moxie Mom Challenge each month that can help you better understand who to start this sustainable lifestyle. Email me at if you want in the next one! 

I run monthly virtual bootcamps because the thing that is missing for a lot of first timers is accountability and support. Something amazing happens when you know someone is waiting for you to show up and is cheering you on to succeed. We were designed by God for connection! A certain amount of obligation is healthy, otherwise we would never do anything. A community will help you push when you just want to binge on cereal and Netflix...not that I know about that or anything. 

1 Zumba class a month does not a slender physique make. Make sure you are finding a way to move 3-5 days a week. It not only is good for your jean size but it could be the difference between a long life and a heart attack. For maximum results mix up cardio and resistance training. Weight training burns calories for up to a couple days. Muscle takes more for your body to maintain, so step off that treadmill drop and give me 20. 

Your goals need to be specific, measurable, and attainable. "I'm gonna start working out." Isn't going to work out. How many days a week will you exercise? What exercises will they be? What do you need to be eating for results?What's on your meal plan for the week? If it's not scheduled and planned it'll be the first thing to go. Overwhelmed and don't know where to start, it's okay I can help

And here's a bonus have some flippin' fun! Don't love running, than dance. Hate to lift, get your yoga on! As the old adage says do what you love and it won't seem like work!