Monday, January 2, 2017

A Goal Crushers Guide to New Years Resolutions

"I'm going to do P90X want to do it with me?" my husband says. Is this some sort of joke? I've got a bad knee, a 1 yr old and an infant, I didn't do 15 days of a stationary bike with my gym membership last year and he wants me to do 90 days of this crap?? "I don't think I'll be able to do that with my knee, I'll just watch." I said. He plugs in the DVD and there's a guy with a prosthetic leg doing the workout. o_O Next thing I know its 90 days later I've lost 50lbs and maybe finished a thing for the first time ever in my life. It totally changed me and I've been a fighter and a finisher ever since. Here's what I've learned over the last few years that can help you go from quitter to conqueror too. 

     If you're like I was and have been overweight, lazy, etc for years you won't magically transform overnight. This ain't Disney. Instead of trying to workout an hour at 5am every morning, try getting in at least 30 minutes, 3 days a week to start. Too tough and too much all at once is a great way to crush yourself under the weight of your goals, instead of crush them. Ask yourself what change is a step up from where I am but still sustainable. What could you maintain for the next 10 yrs not just the next 10 days. 

     Accept the fact that at some point you will stumble. Your goal needs a hefty serving of grace if its going to make it. Last year I set a goal to get my house in order. I made a simple plan that wouldn't overwhelm me. (You can see my plan HERE) Despite how simple it was there were weeks the schedule got crazy and the house got messy. That doesn't mean the plan doesn't work or that I'm not capable of keeping my house in order. It just means that life happened. Grace upon grace momma, don't smother your goals and your will power with perfection. 

     As a health and fitness coach my inbox has been filled with declarations like "I'm ready to loose weight!" Well yeah, you and everybody else, but are you willing to make changes and do work. You can't set vague general goals and hope they manifest before your eyes. You need a specific, attainable goal and a plan and path to get it done. Instead of saying "I'm going to loose 30lbs this year!" Say "I'm going to stop drinking soda and start working out 3 times a week." A goal like that is something that you can control and measure. Don't make the big picture your goal, make the goal consistency in the tasks that will get you there. 

Applying these tips to your 2017 and goals will be good for your goals and for your heart. No more defeat, no more quitting, no procrastination....not this year! 

Need a little extra motivation to get the job done? Jan. 9th starts my New Years Revolution where we'll be working together to set and crush goals to live a healthy, fulfilling life and making a little prize money to stay consistent. Want more details on how you could join us? Email me at

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